As a college student, Kirk McGary had a choice: take a part-time job with some friends involved with property management or work in fast food—Kirk chose property management. A few years later, after starting a successful career in accounting and software development, Kirk started a property management business, which grew over the next fifteen years and became increasingly successful.
Kirk then partnered with another entrepreneur named Doug Oler, who had extensive business experience managing multi-unit companies. They decided to share Kirk’s property management success with others and together launched their first Real Property Management franchised office in 2005.
Since then, hundreds of entrepreneurs have joined the RPM organization and opened more than 300 locations throughout the United States and Canada. Along the way, RPM has refined systems and processes, added new technologies, built best-in-class training systems, and created first-class marketing tools. Today, the Real Property Management franchise organization is the largest property management organization in North America.