A Season of Giving
The holiday season is a time people give to others. In this spirit of giving, here are three heart-warming stories about Real Property Management team members who gave back in their community in unique and caring ways. Gone but Not Forgotten
- From Lanelle Butterfield, owner Real Property Management Enterprises
Real Property Management Enterprises began managing a property in Lawton, OK in July 2017. The landscaping was severely neglected. A large flower bed just north of the leasing office was one of the first priorities for landscapers to clean up, as it was close to the leasing office and was in such bad shape. While landscapers were weeding the flower bed they uncovered a headstone. At first glance, we believed it might have been a Halloween “joke” that someone didn’t remove after the season. Upon further investigation we were told it was very heavy and was probably stolen from someone’s gravesite. I felt bad about it, however being the Regional Director of Business Operations, my first concern was the neglected units where our current residents were living. I asked for the headstone to be removed to the property garage until we had “time” to “deal” with it. My assistant, Pamela Walker, had other plans. Pamela asked for a photo of the headstone. On her own time, she researched the deceased and discovered he was a Military Veteran. She found the cemetery where the headstone was stolen from and contacted the Veteran’s family. From there, Pamela, ON HER OWN TIME, drove an hour and half to pick up the headstone, then 45 minutes further to deliver the headstone back to the family and its rightful place. Pamela didn’t ask for monetary compensation, nor did she want any accolades. Pamela handled the situation because she felt it was the right thing to do. I admire her for her tenacity and truly good heart! Brightening Residents’ Day is Good for the Soul
- From Josh Kattenberg, owner Real Property Management Express
At the end of a long day helping a vendor at a local farmer’s market, we had 25 flower bouquets left and the vendor agreed we could give the extras to residents in a multifamily property we manage. Our two managers and our maintenance man knocked on doors and gave away the flowers. We were overwhelmed with their gratefulness and the appreciative comments they posted on the property’s FaceBook page. Our managers and maintenance man were happy to do something outside their normal routine and take the time to have a positive impact and brighten residents’ day. Being There for Others is Rewarding
- From Amanda Desormeaux, Operations Manager Real Property Management Alamo
We manage a modest property leased to a young Airman. This Airman has never been behind on rent or failed to be friendly when he pops in the office. He always returns our smiles and takes a refreshment and a seat when offered either. Last month, our tenant was a bit late on his rent and we grew concerned. After a couple of calls he popped into the office but didn’t meet us with the same smile we had grown used to seeing from him nor was he as open to visit. After some small talk he felt comfortable enough to share the reason for his late rent; he had been in the hospital for a medical issue. We all talked with him for a few minutes and let him know we cared about him and he’s not alone. His smile returned but after our conversation I couldn’t get him out of my mind for I have a son his age. Service to our country and being isolated from family is the largest hardship for a young soldier. Fast forward a few days. We received an HOA violation related to lawn overgrowth for the property and without hesitation, our maintenance coordinator, on his own time took his lawn equipment over to the property and resolved the violation and has kept up with it since then. Additionally, Tawni, our leasing agent, checks on him weekly as do I. The above are just three of the many inspiring stories from our Real Property Management offices that we are pleased to share during this season of giving.
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